Menu for

Criminal Justice Compliance Officers,

Accountability and Management Auditing



This menu contains links to articles, litigation, reports, and news.




Criminal Justice Compliance Officer: A new title and duties for self-governance responsibilities within law enforcement and corrections agencies. Law Enforcement Executive Forum (May, 2004). [PDF]


Staff Inspection: A Strong Administrative Tool, by John Fuller, The Police Chief (Dec. 2004).


Staying Alive: Creating an effective compliance and ethics program to prevent and detect employee misconduct, by Melinda Burrows, 2005 American Bar Assn. annual conference presentation. [PDF]




Special Litigation Section, Civil Rights Div., U.S. Dept. of Justice. Covers pattern and practice litigation filed against law enforcement and correctional agencies including complaints, briefs, settlements and consent decrees.




Report of the conference on police pattern or practice litigation: A 10-year assessment, by Samuel Walker, Bureau of Justice Assistance grant document (2005). [PDF]




Send news items to AELE via e-mail. We are interested in the creation of new compliance offices, agency written directives for the compliance and auditing function and similar documents.