Employment & Labor Law for Public Safety Agencies

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» Also see: Handicap Law/Abilities Discrimination: Accommodation – Teleworking.

      The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a security directive to federal agency heads entitled "Implementing the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010: Security Guidelines." OMB Memo M-11-27 (July 15, 2011).
    Arbitrator rejects a grievance that management failed to grant a short-term request to allow a union employee to telework while recuperating from surgery. Although non union employees were subject to a teleworking policy, the union contract was silent on the topic. "It is a well established principle of labor arbitration that a party may not obtain through arbitration what it could not acquire through negotiation." U.S.D.A. and AFGE L-3354, 121 LA (BNA) 1537, FMCS #05/54792 (Fitzsimmons, 2005). [2006 FP May]
     The U.S. Office of Personnel Management has informed the House Committee on Government Reform that the threat of terrorist attacks on American soil has highlighted a need for federal agencies to adopt emergency plans for displaced workers. Telework contingency plans could minimize essential service interruptions, and are authorized under Pub. Law 106-346, Sec. 359 (2000). OPM and the GSA have an interagency information website at {N/R}

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