120th IACP Annual Conference Materials and 2013 Legal Articles

IACP Legal Officers Section (LOS)

The International Association of Police Attorneys

Philadelphia – Oct. 19 - 23, 2013

2013 LOS Annual Conference Materials:


2013 Conference Annual Presentations:

• Employment Law Outline

 2013 Update, Jody Litchford

• Cases Affecting Police Psychologists – Outline

 Selected 2013 Cases for Police Psychologists, Wayne Schmidt, AELE

• Protecting Civil Rights & Consent Decrees

1.        Civil Rights Investigations of Local Police - Lessons Learned, PERF

2.        Less-Lethal Force Recommendations, DoJ/Portland, Ore.

3.        Protecting Civil Rights, IACP/COPS (2006)

4.        Agreement for Effective and Constitutional Policing, Eric Daigle, PowerPoint

• Crowd Control

1.       Crowd Management and Civil Rights Protection, Eric Daigle, The Police Chief (Sep. 2012)

2.       Crowd Management, & Intervention, California P.O.S.T.

3.       Crowd Management and Protecting Civil Rights, Eric Daigle, 2012 (8) AELE Mo. L. J. 501

4.       Law Enforcement Guidelines for First Amendment-Protected Events, DoJ (Oct. 2011)

5.       Crowd Management - Protecting Civil Rights, Eric Daigle. PowerPoint

2013 Annual Conference Visual Presentations: (PDF)

1.          Supreme Court Update (2012-2013 Term), Chief David Spotts

2.          The Future of Forensic Evidence & 4th Am. Jurisprudence, Karen Kruger

3.          Top 10 Reasons Why Chiefs Lose Their Jobs, Jack Collins

4.          Officer-Involved Shootings Investigations, Lisa Judge

5.          Ethics for Police Attorneys, Bill Amato & Eric Edwards

IACP Amicus Curiae Briefs (in 2013 cases)
   Brief, Maryland v. King, #12-207 (DNA collection). 
   Decision (Jun. 2013). Article (Jul. 2013) Article (Sep. 2013)
2013 AELE Articles

AELE Monthly Law Journal  (online, PDF format)

A variety of scholarly articles on police liability, discipline,

labor & employment law and corrections legal issues

AELE ECW Case Summaries (updated regularly

         AELE ECW Articles and Resources (updated periodically

Selected Legal Articles and Reports Published in 2013

Chronological (to be added)

* FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin – Law related articles

1.          Important Investigative Tools for Joint Terrorism Task Force Officers – I (Jan. 2013)

2.          Important Investigative Tools for Joint Terrorism Task Force Officers – II (Feb. 2013)

3.          Misconduct Allegations: Procedural vs. Distributional Justice (Mar. 2013)

4.          Search Warrant Execution: When Does Detention Rise to Custody? - Part 1 (Apr. 2013)

5.          Search Warrant Execution: When Does Detention Rise to Custody? - Part 2 (Apr. 2013)

6.          Supreme Court Analyzes Issues in Dog-Sniff Cases (Jun. 2013)

7.          Missouri v. McNeely and Warrantless Blood Draws (Aug. 2013)

8.          Criminal Interrogations of Police Officers After Use-of-Force Incidents (Sep. 2013)

9.          Searches Incident to Arrest in the Smartphone Age (Dec. 2013)

10.      Investigating Domestic Violence: Raising Prosecution and Conviction Rates (Dec. 2013)

* FLETC Legal Division

      The Informer (Summaries of appellate court cases)

* Congressional Research Service

1.      Public Mass Shootings in the U.S. – Implications for Public Health and Safety Policy (Mar. 2013)

* IACP – Law related articles and documents in The Police Chief or on the IACP website

1.      Essential Job Functions, Disabling Conditions and the Americans with Disabilities Act (Jan. 2013)

2.      Secure Communities Program: Mandatory or Optional? (Feb. 2013)

3.      Heller: Has it Changed the Second Amendment Right to Own a Gun? (Mar. 2013)

4.      The Mosaic Theory and Electronic Public Safety Technology (Mar. 2013)

5.      Constant Constrictive Pressures to Avoid or Reduce Use of Force and the Quagmire of So-Called Best Practices (Apr. 2013)

6.      Responding to Calls with Suicidal Suspects (May 2013)

7.      Why Your Agency Needs a Social Network Investigations Policy (May 2013)

8.      Caring for an Adult Child under the Family and Medical Leave Act (Jun. 2013)

9.      Developing Policy on Using Social Media for Intelligence and Investigations (Jun 2013)

10.  Has the Supreme Court Cleared the Air on K-9 Drug Sniffs? Two U.S. Supreme Court Cases (Jul. 2013)

11.  Eyewitness Identification: An Update on What Chiefs Need to Know (Jul. 2013)

12.  Supreme Court Upholds Post-Arrest DNA Collection: High Court Sides with IACP Amicus Brief (Jul. 2013)

13.  Missouri v. McNeely: What Does This Mean for DUI Enforcement? (Aug. 2013)

14.  Eyewitness Identifications: A National Survey on Procedures (Sep. 2013)

15.  The Constitutionality of DNA Collection for Law Enforcement Purposes (Sep. 2013)

16.  Police Officers’ Videos Protect Officers and Departments (Oct. 2013)

17.  Officer-Involved Shootings Investigative Protocols, IACP/COPS (Nov. 2013)

18.  Police “Whistleblowers” and the First Amendment (Nov. 2013)

19.  Obesity as a Disability (Dec. 2013) – Also see: Weight and Fitness Requirements, 2008 (12) AELE Mo. L.J. 201.

* KenWallentine.com

 Xiphos – Summaries of recent criminal procedure cases

* PATC Legal & Liability Risk Management Institute 

 2013 Legal Updates (periodic case analyses)

 Legal Questions Answered (Periodically)

      * Force Science Institute, Ltd.

 Force Science News Archive (Use of force, biometrics, psychology and law)

      * Alameda County District Attorney

 Point of View (Criminal law and procedure for law enforcement officers)

IACP Legal Officers Section info.

Section information and membership form

IACP Police Psychological Services Section (Legal outlines & slides)

Multiyear outlines and documents menu – compiled by AELE

This page is hosted as a public service by the AELE Law Enforcement Legal Center.

Materials from prior conferences can be accessed here.

PowerPoint ® is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation

LOS conference documents may be reproduced for noncommercial educational purposes.

The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin and The Police Chief are protected by copyright.

Documents and presentations may be uploaded to IACP Net.

Websites may hyperlink to this page.

PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Last updated 12/24/2013